I know I posted about
this before but I'm still having problems.
Right about the same time I was dx with lyme my eyelids got red itchy and swallon, almost shut.
When they got better they became flakey and just annoying.
I was not on doxy when it first happened.
I went on doxy and it seemed to go away.
On vacation at the ocean and had no problems. I did wear a floppy hat and sat under an ambrella. Oh yes I loaded on the sun block also.
I came home and ran out of doxy. Guess what happened. Yep, the eye lids again. I am back on doxy and it's going away again.
Oh forgot the NP gave me drop for allergies. I use them once every day. Doesn't seem to make much of a difference.
Just wondering if anyone else has had anything like this.