My neck pain started out as a regular old stiff neck from sleeping wrong.
Or so I thought! When it didn't go away after two weeks....and....due to the other symptoms I was having, I began to think Lyme Disease.
My stiffness was only on the right side, very deep in my neck where it could not be reached by massage or pressure point work. The pain often radiated into my shoulder, spine, down my arm.
I actually got an MRI because maybe I had a cervical disc problem too. The MRI was unremarkable-- thus Lyme was the frontrunner.
My stiff neck lasted for 8 months or so. It took a long time to get better on ABX treatment for Lyme. I thought it would NEVER go away. I still get twinges now and then, but overall it's much, MUCH better.
I think a Lyme stiff neck can present in all kinds of ways.....and in my humble opinion, I also believe that the lymph nodes in the neck are involved by being inflamed.
At one point I had this very tender spot exactly where you describe having pain.....right between my shoulder blades at the base of my neck. This 'hot spot' as I'll call it, lasted about a month. It went away just as suddenly as it appeared and has not returned.
A stiff neck of course can be unrelated to Lyme....and can be caused by a ruptured cervical disc, poor posture when at the computer for long hours, meningitis....etc.
.......but IMO, having multiple Lyme specific symptoms AND a stiff neck of any sort, are good indicators that a Lyme infection is present.
Though I have done a lot of neck massage, heat/ice, stretching, accupuncture and have improved my posture--- which probably has all helped in some way to alleviate my neck pain--- a long course of ABX for Lyme has been the most successful.
There's nothing worse than a long term stiff neck. It's just awful....and for me, this was the symptom that lasted the longest overall. In addition, I think that this long term neck pain, coupled with Lyme, gave me some fibromyalgia type knots in my upper back.
I'm still dealing with those. They come and go at random. And boy am I happy when they go!
Hope I haven't painted too grim a picture!