Having only just scanned over this site (
www.naet.com/) to get a basic understanding, I would say this would be great if you are not healing well, or know that you have quite a few allergies to things and that was suspected to be what was keeping you from healing completely - but a tick borne infection didn't happen because you were allergic to something. You were bit by a tick, mosquito, biting fly, spider, or other insect that had this infection in them and they happily transferred it to you.
The other thing I have to say is that -
in my opinion and in the opinion of the few Chinese Acupuncturists that I have spoken to - anyone who hasn't devoted years to the learning and apprenticeship of acupuncture doesn't understand the mechanisms very well. My acu doc doesn't want anyone to see a Western Medicine doc that has "added" Acupuncture to their repertoire - it would be a little like going to a D.O. to have a tooth pulled, instead of seeing a dentist. Remember this is only opinion, please - and I am wrong about
things more often than I like to remember.
I'll be interested to read what others think of this treatment.