My entire life has centered around one thing for so long...being sick and trying to get better. But lately I'm really slipping. I was starting to feel a little bit better. I can drive again and have socialized a bit and have felt a little more in control of my life. These are all good things, right? Except I'm slipping. I've lost focus on my number one priority - being healthy and getting better. Today I ate a ton of halloween candy. I didn't even try to resist. Lately I'm letting myself fall back into sleeping late, and I sort of hate myself for it. It's like I'm not even trying anymore. I have no motivation to do all the healthy things I need to do to get better. I'm so stuck in trying to make each day as pleasant as possible that I've stopped making the necessary sacrifices to get better. All I do anymore is count down the days until my next doctor appointment. It's like my full time job is recovering from Lyme...but I'm not doing a very good job at it. And I know it's not helpful to beat myself up over it, but I also know I'm not doing myself any good by denying the problem.
It's really hard lately to stay focused on why it's so important to be healthy. I'm thinking in the short term and have no discipline whatsoever anymore. I'm starting to resent and hate all the healthy things I'm supposed to be doing. I don't want to drink a ton of water every day. I don't want to take pill after pill after pill. I don't want to eat healthy. I just want to be a normal person who doesn't have to give a second thought to whether or not I should eat the cookie sitting in front of me. I obviously don't want to be sick forever, but I've sort of just stopped trying to get better. All I do is try to get through the days and make them seem as short as possible...but living like that is worth nothing. I don't even know what the light at the end of the tunnel looks like. This lifestyle is all I know anymore. I've lost the ability to imagine the life that I want for myself. I'm trapped in a lot of negative thinking and all I can see are the obstacles to my life being a happy one.
I just don't know how to get back on track. I'm disappointed in myself for not being stronger right now. I feel like I've completely given in and surrendered. I've been sick my whole life, and now I finally have a chance to get my health back for the first time since I was a kid! ...and I'm blowing it. I'm not fighting the good fight, not fighting as hard as I could be. How do I get motivated??