I had been doing a round of Flagyl and Biaxin (only) this past month.
The experience with these two meds included extreme tiredness which was not one of my usual symptoms. Within a half hour of taking them I would just konk out.....ZZZZZ.
Also, my shoulder muscle and upper back pain GREATLY increased. UGG!
I got pretty depressed as well. Lost all interest in doing anything. It seemed like I was in a prolonged herx which lasted day after day.
When the snow storm hit us on Saturday and left us without power (thankfully I was able to borrow a generator).....I was so busy and utterly frustrated with LYME issues 'getting me down' that I just stopped taking the ABX's.
I was also really sick of being sick.....more than anything else. And a part of me (big part !!) simply decided NOT be sick.
Within a day of no ABX my energy increased and my pain dwindled away.
After several days off ABX I still feel pretty great! I would venture a guess that I now feel better than I have in months!
Ergo, I am hestitant to go back on ABX.
This brings me around to the Dr. Burrascano protocol that suggests a hiatus from ABX until you get really sick again-- total relapse. Then you hit with ABX once more, etc. Doing this on again, off again, on again relapse protocol (3 times) with ABX is apparently what cured him of Lyme.
I mentioned this protocol in another thread a few weeks ago......and now want to try this approach.
So.......I'm going to stick with no ABX and see what happens. Maybe I'll relapse, maybe I won't.
I wish I could say that Lyme LOOKS LIKE it's in remission for me....but too soon to tell. So far so good, though.
Maybe I'm just being overly optomistic.... .......and a monster relapse will ocurr . Then, so be it. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
At any rate, I think my body was telling me that it was time for a break from ABX no matter what the future might bring. It was really knocking me down--- physically and mentally.
After being on ABX for a year now, I think it might be worth this challenge to see how I'll do without.
Wish me--- and my immune system (if it's still here) -- luck!
Will update my progress as I go along.