Had my appointment with my LLMD today...
So after 6-7 months my CD57 went from 11 to 32...nowhere near the progress I'd hoped for being on 3 different antibiotics. But it is progress. If I keep going at this rate it'll be 4.5 years until I'm better though! Not okay.
My EBV has actually gone up, so I guess the fact that my body's fighting the Lyme so hard means it's not allotting any energy or resources whatsoever to heal the EBV, which is a bit of a bummer.
Calcium is randomly high even though I don't eat any dairy, and my body is producing MORE thyroid autoantibodies now that i've started treating that problem...so those are a little odd.
On the bright side I FINALLY got her to test for bartonella (all 300+ dollars worth) and so I'm really hoping that comes back positive, and that maybe once I treat the bart the Lyme will clear faster. I've been sick for 10 years. It's been too long, and I'm at the end of my rope.
I'm also starting milk thistle because my liver isn't doing so hot, and I'm waiting on the pharmacy in washington to call me about ordering the cholysteramine. Good appointment overall, but I'm pretty bummed. I thought I'd be much better by now, but instead I've hardly made a dent.
I've been hearing a lot about Dr J's at home protocol lately...and hearing such good things about it...I'm really starting to regret my treatment plan. I prefer natural to antibiotics but this is just sort of what I got sucked into and I can't just up and quit now, though I'm tempted. It seems like people get better FASTER with natural remedies, and I just wonder if I'm missing out on amazing opportunity because I fell into the wrong hands (albeit good ones, just maybe not right for me). Also seems like people actually get CURED and are SYMPTOM FREE which is nothing my LLMD has promised me.....