I have been having issues for about
15 months. It started with abdominal bloating after eating even a very small amount of food. I had constipation. Weird constipation where excrement is not hard and rocky, no matter this size or consistency it takes great effort to pass and I never feel empty. That progresses to burning sensations in my arms then legs that at times will encompass the entire body. I have had chest pains. I have a now constant pain under my rib that started on the left side and is now on both sides and i will get pains above my kidneys (seems to high to be kidney stone, but i thought i had one but it cannot, well should not be after 8 weeks) Eating does seems to make those side pains worse. I thought I had gall bladder disease but u/s showed no stones.
My PCP ran tests that showed high CRP and positive rheumatoid factor and they did a test for Lyme that was like minimally over the normal limit. He did not tell me this i had to get a copy of my test results to take to the Rheumatologist and saw it was bolded and had a H by it. It was just barely high. I cannot remember what test it was...
So newly added with all the previous issues the last 2 days i have had muscle weakness in my arms and legs. I actually went to the ER a couple days ago when my muscles began twitching and my muscles were have spasms where i could not write my name or lift my shoulders. The ER dismissed it as neuropathy and sent me on my way. Today I have leg weakness, like they are tight, and heavy to lift. I am not paralyzed or anything but its noticeable and very scary. For a coulple weeks too i have been having twitches. Like i can sit and watch a muscle twitch. It moves all over. leg, arm. even in my guts. I feel shaky sometimes and like my heart is fluttering in my chest.
Oh and when i went to the rheumy in july i had no arthritic pain. None at all... I had some neck pan which i thought was from lifting a heavy press alone, dumb move i dropped it as it was too heavy and then had neck pain. but nothing else. The wheels kinda fell off there about
aug and sept after a trip to cedar point amusement park which took me 3 weeks to recover from and a trip to the zoo, i have joint or muscle pain or maybe both in my shoulders, arm, and knees. My knees actually look different now with 3 lumps on them. I had a 2nd rheum appt and he could not even be bothered to look and just wanted me on some powerful drug. He did not even go over my blood tests with me or say i think you have this this or this. I have a Rheum appointment monday with a new rheum. I have a neurologist and i called and he is out of the country for 3 months. Nice. I had had only 1 appointment with him and he sent orders for a MRI to my PCP because he will be gone. My PCP, whom i loved, as of lately i was not happy with my care, but then I found out at the ER he has been in and out of the office because he has esophageal cancer. The guy in the ER said he is not doing well and not likely to make it. Shocking news to me he is only 45 ish. So I need a new PCP and just called to get one at the cleveland clinic and am waiting to hear back... Thats my doctor mess as i feel I need fast care quick and I have to start over.
I have had a full gastro workup, cardio, endocrinologist, rheumaologist and am in the midst of the neuro... all they have old me is i have inflammation. I was accused of being a smoker by the cardio, he rolled his eyes at me like i was lying... I wont go back to him of course... Does anyone have any ideas???? As far as i know all my autoimmune tests were normal except CRP and RF... Thanks for any help. Not having any answers after 15 months is so stressful and scary...
ETA: i have lost 20 lbs in the last 7 weeks. I have lost about
50 in the 15 months without trying if that is useful info..thx
Post Edited (KayC04201231) : 11/11/2011 1:12:47 PM (GMT-7)