This week the left side of my face went numb, and there was severe itching under my skin. Thought it might be shingles, and I was expecting a house full of company for Thanksgiving. My regular dr. has banker's hours so I went to urgent care. The dr. did a fairly good history, and immediately sent me to the lab for a Lyme's test.
10 years ago, I had an emergency hysterectomy, strep throat that did not respond to antibiotics, moved to a new house and lost my grandmother--in the space of a couple of weeks. Then, the joint pain started. My knees, shoulders and hands hurt so bad they cut off my wedding bands. I was tired and crying non-stop. Ended up in the hospital for IV pain meds and a mental health "nap".
Went to a rheumatologist who diagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome, and I called him a "horse's ass" because I felt like he ran a lot of expensive tests, but didn't really think there was anything wrong but stress.
Over the years I've had bouts of joint pain, depression, chronic sinus infections, TMJ, back pain and headaches that wake me up at night. I quit drinking alcohol because it acts like poison in my system. Right now, the pain in my kness made it impossible to sleep, and I'm waiting for the vicoden to work.
I live on a farm with plenty of woods, with horses. Have treated 3 different horses for Eurlichia (sp?). Husband has had the rash twice and was treated sucessfully right away with antibiotics. I was bit hard this summer by a deer tick, which I removed right away, but we pick ticks from spring till fall.
What are my odds do you think my test will be positive?