I like the Secret Santa idea... Problem is my boyfriend's daughters have no money or very little.. I am very close to 2 of his daughters so I am just going to get them each a gift certificate to a store they both like. The other daughter I am half-way done knitting a pretty scarf..
Then there's my boyfriend's grandson who I adore! He is 3 years old and all excited about Santa!
Years ago when my nephews and nieces were little, we only bought for the kids, no adults.
Then my Mom's BD is coming up and she hinted at some books she wants that are new on the market. Hey, my Mom will be 86? I lost count..
I live alone, support myself, and it's just hard with this economy, etc.
Honest? I love looking at the little Xmas tree's I put up and other decorations, my cats like them too I think! Yeah, I'm kooky..
I just can't wait until the Holidays are over..
Razzle, so sorry about the food.. I actually had a stomach flu around Thanksgiving and couldn't eat anything until Thanksgiving Eve when my boyfriend came over and I felt slightly better so we bought a Turkey the night before and I did manage to cook it the next day... Minimum trimmings, just stuffed it and made potatoes... At least it was something and he enjoyed it...
The bottom line is it gets expensive!