Hi Karen,
You are wise to check this out, as you said - what if you could be treated -and I'll add -
and get better!
The fact that you know you were bit by a tick and especially since you had the bulls-eye rash, you most definitely contracted Lyme disease at least. Were you ever examined for the possibility of the other tick-borne infections? The blood tests are simply not reliable, so please don't count on them.
Two weeks of abx, just isn't enough. The knowledgeable Lyme literate medical doctors (LLMD's) tell us that it takes a minimum of 6 - 8 weeks of strong abx to put the bacteria into remission. So at minimum, I would take a guess that you would benefit from further treatment - especially when combined with they symptoms you've mentioned.
Unfortunately, most docs don't know much, if anything, about
Lyme Disease and the other infections that ticks (and now other insects as well) can pass to us - they simply weren't taught the right information and there is so much more info that is brand new! I would heavily suggest that you read through our "New to Lyme?...Start here!" thread at the top of the forum, as it's packed with so very much information and wonderful links, as well as symptom lists!
I don't know anything about
Igenex tests or their pricing, so I won't comment on that. I'm sure other members will be along soon to add their experiences!
I'm so glad that you have chosen to look into this further! You can either eliminate the possibility or get started on some treatment so that you can feel better!!
Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have and post in other threads asking questions or adding your own experiences!