Posted 3/2/2012 10:02 PM (GMT -5)
I've been on abx about a week, I just hate the reactions. I know everyone says it's a herx and a good sign. I've done natural healing methods for most of the last 18 years, ever since I got sick. But I never knew what was wrong, so it was always a shot in the dark. Taking long term pharmaceuticals goes against most everything I believe in when it comes to my body. I know they help people, I'm sure they're killing things. I just hate how I feel, I was feeling so much better before.
I'm seriously considering going to a Naturopath that has experience with Lyme. I know there are people here that are treating their Lyme without abx. I also feel like I should have done more to detox and cleanse my liver before jumping into abx. I just started a new job and I can't risk losing it with getting sicker like I feel.
I am not saying that abx are bad, they just feel like a bad choice for me. Intuitively, they feel wrong for me. It's making me nuts.
I don't mean to be a downer, or sound negative. I just need a sounding board. For those of you not using abx, how is it going? I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts, not just people that are going holistic.
I'm going to sit on this for a few days before deciding what I want to do. I'm not going to contact my Dr right away. Just confused