I tested positive for mycoplasmas. Fermentans and hominis. I have implants (saline) leak and now out but by JULY 2011, had many symptoms of all offenders weak and sick and joints inflammed stop working out, no cognitive started stuttering can't understand paragraphs so dropped classes, rapid thoughts and,,,,,,,,,convalescing for the first time in my life sick and trying to understand normal daily tasks, like sorting mail, making appt for docs, is so so hard on my brain. Trying to clean and I'm a clean freak but now it's like how do I make sense of what I do first?
I can type and communicate way better, talking "live" and I'm an extrovert and listening to info verbally or reading it, FAH-GET-AH-BOW-DIT....Okay?!
I have a coated tongue and thought maybe it was all Yeast?
Starting Oct 2010,coated tongue and stickey ears with first onset of tinnitis and broken sleep and seized crunchy occipital bone which I still have though it's not seized neck but crunchy popping sound was fevered feeling. My neck occipital along my skull ridge was fevered feeling and I had to lift my neck off pillow with head. So Oct 2010 was my signal something was wrong. I didn't get what though.
Oct 2010, my breast leak was official and came down all the way and I got these symptoms going is this correlated?
Then 21 MONTHS LATER in July 2012, all heck broke loose with the strong symptoms I wrote about
in first paragraph which took me out of life over an quick 8 week maturing period. Explant Oct 2012.
21 months it took to get the rest of the symptoms. I haven't slept for ages since the insomnia broken sleep came in Oct 2010 as said above.
I'm sick from mycos I did test. The 200 per day doxy was low which I started Feb 2, I herxed neuro bad, felt all my head brain eye symptoms strenthen plus I forgot I have strong body vibrations like bacteria traveling through my blood. I can feel it and I would twitch and shake sometime.
Well, twice I have gone to 400 mg, I'm seeing a lyme doc next week to test.
The times I go to 400 mg for two day, my thoughts slowed down a bit, not normal but slower. And I STOP feeling body vibrations, and bugs traveling in my veins. At 400mg. If I go back to 200, my body vibes come back, and my thoughts go faster.
So I go, I must be going in the right direction.
Through it all I FEEL like there is goop, like glue or a thick oil, in my brain, my ears are stickey feeling deep inside and sound stickey when I move the inner ear muscle. My eyes and started to go more swollen around eyes, and more grainey and blurry.
My tongue more coated with higher doxy over 48 hours. Is it all yeast?
It's now new, it's been like this forever, but upping my doxy it is now worse.
How do I know, my stuff isn't mostly yeast. (wishful thinking.)
I keep praying IT'S ALL YEAST AS I DON'T READ about
GOOP IN HEAD stuffed physical coated in all head orifices feeling from others.
I literally wish I could take my head apart and clean out what feels and has felt like an oil slick I can't get at.
Tried Diflucan nothing. And it did get worse. I take lots of garlic like 10 sliced cloves a day.
Would I or not lose the ability to think and remember and have rapid thoughts with JUST yeast? And when I started the 200 mg of abx I got worse and saw smoke visually and got sicker feeling for a couple of weeks if it was all yeast right?
More wishful thinking.
I am just, my head just feels full of goop. And now as of 48 hours, more goop since I upped my doxy to 400 mg.
The only positive, the upper doses, slower thoughts, and NO body vibrations or bacteria in blood travelling feeling. It slows it right down and I don't quiver. A little mentally clear but such blurry vision with grainey feel i swollen eyes which has been getting stronger.
This sucks. I am in so much HEAD physical discomfort.
Yeast? Bugs? Thoughts? Can yeast be this strong?
I used to be so pretty and in great awesome shape. I am olive complected and never break out. Tonight bath, strange outbreak on nose, bumps, forehead. Tatal gasey stomach rumbling and being constipated since the first symptoms Oct 2010, to just now getting a strange bowel explosion by itself only from 48 hours. I take L-glutathione.
I am severely constipated so enema but now with more doxy totally gassy more and rumbling is daily but more and strange bowel explosions. I feel like ALIEN. It's all just disgusting what this does.
I'm sorry this post is long and this is so disgusting, I just, I wish there was and easy solution and not so much guess work. But I'll see my first LD next week.
Thoughts? Does yeast do this to people. I'm so so wishful thinking.....anyone with goop in their head feel. And I urinate at night ever single 15 at 30 min. Good lord.
It's like something is making it so so hard to think and see clearly through this goop I feel.
Post Edited (waverunner) : 3/3/2012 2:44:52 AM (GMT-7)