I feel like i am doing whack a mole(lyme bug)
so i started HH about 2-3 weeks ago
then this full moon period (monday to thursday) had quite a good full moon parasite herx going on (think its liver tension in back and neck-cns), so i had to stop the HH for a few days, as i was so constipated, and thought the Hh was maybe too intense with the full moon as for me, parasites (liver flukes)and full moon have been very severe over last year..aso legs have pretty much topped burning after been really intense last month..so it appeared that Bart layed down and parasites reared their head over full moon
so my full moon herxs most always end literally the moment full moon ends whci was pretty much right on
Thursday am i woke up and had major herx action in legs, cramps, sore joints in feet that were popping every step, so since i was still constipated, did not start back into HH. i decided to do the herpes bank on rife machine which i noticed yesterday covers a lot of virus's and its 3 hrs not 2. as i noted below, i was able to completely minimize thsi herx, felt super by doing a major dosing of blood thinning, (which to me implied this herx was due to fibrin gunk created by full moon die off-which was further supported by large toxic BM-after blood thinning, before herpes rife session). My blood thinning consisted of 3 times heparin dose, fish oil, vitamin C-lysine, potassium drink, ginger drink..not one to accept any sign of feeling good (excessive protestant work ethic), i jumped into herpes rife bank around 2 pm
so Thursday mid afternoon pm; i got this quite strong herx on doing herpes and other virus 3 hr rifing session, i orginally thought it was 2 hrs and as i mentioned above, i know it was due to the herpes rifing, as i had been feeling quite good with blood thinning which eliminated "first" thursday am herx, including the larger doses of heparin which implied to me that part of Thursady am herx was just bug die off from full moon and i was clearing it with blood thinners...
Then the herpes herx on Thursady mid afternoon pm; indicated that herpes was back and the reason i did this in the first place was eyes started to get worse as i got closer to full moon (Monday-Wednesday), however i feel through all of this I am getting stronger as i did a full on 20 mile mile ride with a good pace and this was after the herx created by the herpes rifing session..
so thursday was pretty eventful with varying symptoms based upon varied treatments
Friday was more of the same..i got up felt very good actually, it was like wow, lets get some work done
very clear head. i ate and took by livng streams probiotics 9about 1-4 to 1.2 teaspoon0 and crap, within 20 minutes i have bad had fog and am back in bed taking a nap. I had been taking this dosage of probiotics with no effect for the past 3 weeks..so it provoked something that had not been around last few weeks. i still was not back on HH but was doing my lactoferrin, olive leadf-vit A, VIT C lysine stuff
so after laying down, and feeling a little better. i figured what thr he**, lets fire up that herpes treatment that killed me yesterday..and NOTHING, no herx whatsoever...same 3 hr sesson, but zero herx..weird...so whatever was active on thursday was it active on Friday
Friday did another 20 mile bike ride..very good pace..got home ate, did some work and feeling slightly herxy but nothing major..went to bed 9 pm, right to sleep..oh yes, did two doses of heparin and a handful of fish oil (blood thinners)
saturday 2 am woke up in night sweat..first night sweat in likely 10 years which i had been told can be a sign of babesia but I guess it could be anything sweating out...so fired up the rife machine for the full on lyme treatment (babs-bart-erlichia-rickettsia). its a 2.5 hr session...so far i am halfway through both babs-bart) and NO HERX...have set up herpes full on rife session (3 hrs) to follow and am going back to bed)
so something appears to be on the run...I know this may sound manic i all this tuff I am doing, but I just feel that right now i have these MF-ers on the run, so they are going to get the boot to the throat treatment as long as my energy is up