My DD10 has what our LLMD thinks is congenital lyme along with bartonella that I think she acquired from a bite with a non-EM rash in 2008. One week after that bite she began having motor/vocal ticcing which at first was exacerbated by strep infections but then with viral infections as well. She has been Dx by the pediatric psychologist with ADHD, inability to properly filter incoming stimuli (sound, touch, light), motor delay, motor/vocal tic disorder, and aspergers with PITAND/PANDAS reactions to bacterial/viral infections. She lost her speech 2 weeks after her 15 month MMR. We also saw a decline in fine motor function and ability to interact socially. She taught herself to read at 2 years of age by following my finger on the page as I read books to her (she was non-verbal at the time). She took piano lessons for 2 years before we realized that she could not read the notes, but was memorizing the teachers hand positions on the piano. When we tried to go back to re-teach notes she became very frustrated and flew into rages. She was not toilet trained until 6, and took private speech therapy until 7 to regain her speech. She had almost non-existant executive function, and would loose herself in books all day long, or drawing the same stick figure of a girl with a skirt 50 times a day. I had to organize everything for her, brush her teeth, pick out her clothes and put her into them, she had to eat lunch in the special ed classroom so they could remind her to eat.
She is now being treated for lyme/bart (biaxin/rifampin/pulsed tindamax) by an LLMD who has given us the OK to use cat's claw, japanese knotweed, garlic, oil of oregano. Not to jinx myself, she is now 90% neurotypical (she has friends!), her motor/vocal tics have resolved, she brushes her own teeth, ties her own shoes, organizes her desk at school, makes her bed and sets the table without me asking. She gets herself up in the morning and brings her first supplements to me. She still does about 1/3 of her school work at home because she is still somewhat distracted at school, but she is making A's.
There is a great bunch of Moms at the ACN Lyme and related diseases, and PANDAS/PITAND forum who are trying very hard to find answers for their children. Lots of good info to be found there.