While I am still feeling overall well, I've been noticing certain symptoms creeping back in (hand numbness in morning, eye blurry, etc) and lately headaches have come back with a vengence. It has scared me somewhat and luckily I was scheduled for my 3 month checkup at the LLMD. A few days before i went though, my husband suggested taking an allergy pill to see if it helped and it did! So now we have to figure out if the allergy pill is helping because it's allergies or if the allergy pill is helping the lyme symptoms which it has been known to do.
LLMD agreed that it is so hard to tell. With intermittent severe migrating joint pain and some other symptoms, it would appear to be the lyme and since I had it so long before treatment, it is most likely chronic and I'll never be free of it and my body is doing a pretty good job keeping it in check.
She suggested tweaking my diet (which is never my strong point) and adding some additional herbals and if additional symptoms keep coming or headaches don't subside, I'll have to go back on antibiotics. The guessing game continues I suppose.