Intestinal health! LOL! Hopefully the lead in was enough to get quite a few people here to read this! It's more important that most of us understand, because the doctors these days don't seem to understand this either!
This is intended to be a serious discussion, although a little humor always helps us to deal with things that we are uncomfortable talking about
One of the best internal detox pathways is our liver & kidneys and the only way to get those toxins that they have filtered out is through either our urinary tract and our intestines, plus our intestines - when working properly - also filter out toxins! So their health and getting them to function at as high as a level as possible needs to be pretty high up on our *important things* list!
Here is a link to a previous thread that got started on here called affectionately "Poop and you"! LOL! Hey, I even got a Poopsy award from the member that started the thread - Deejavu!!
Giggle! I can't figure out how to post my award though - dang it!!
Here's that link to the previous thread: - for those that want to have a good giggle!
We will still cover most of the content in this new thread though.
Lots of us deal with constipation and don't even realize it, because that's the way we've 'always been'. I used to not be able to "go" but once every 7 to 10 days - incredible that no doctor even once suggested that that's not good!!
Our bodies are not meant to be waste storage facilities! That stuff is supposed to get processed and then out of us! We should go poo at minimum once a day, but it's much, much less strain on our systems if we go after each time we eat. I'm not there yet, but I am definitely improving! It only makes sense, since we put food in more than once a day, for the body to eliminate the waste and toxins from each meal after each meal!
To start, and since I'm talking with only myself right now (
) I'm going to start off with listing the links that were shared on the first Poo thread (giggle!).
But first, here is a link to the "Bristol Stool chart" that classifies poo into 7 different groups. Hopefully you will find where your poo rates! I chose this site simply because the chart is easy to read. The first post on this link is all about
poop and you and it's very informative! one goes into the smell and the color of your poo - important stuff!!! ton of good info here!
So that starts off the chat about
Mine started off as Pellet man, and has run the gamut of colors and shapes since- but I'm happy to report that my bowels are doing their bestest to settle into a routine, although I still have issues.