I felt so horrible yesterday that I skipped dinner ( I made steak , rice and greenbeans for everyone else ) , and I made a smoothie from kale , cucumber, avacado ,water .
as the night wore on , instead of feeling more tired and worse , I started to feel more energy and a relief of the weight and low energy and pain I was having all day.
I got up this morning and made another smoothie from avacado , banana , brown rice protein powder ... I had felt bad for a hour or so but I think its because I let the woodstove get too hot and the heat bothers me , but it didnt last long and I have felt much more energy , not much shortness of breath and my body doesnt feel like its sore all over like yesterday ....
for lunch I made yet another raw foods smoothie .. kale , carrot , cucumber and orange , banana and some ice water ..
so far feeling very much better .. pain is very low ( only some pain in my neck , like its stiff but the all over body pain is not heated up and flaring like yesterday .
I think I am going to really look at my diet and going to try as much raw and fermented foods as possible , also eliminate red meat ( well beef anyways ) not because I think beef is all that bad but its what they do to it at the supermarket ... radiating and spraying ammonia on it :-( Just going to go as natural as I can , avoid gluten and dairy ( unless its a hard cheese ) , and just see if I can comeup with a list of safe foods adn just stick to those for while .
I am going to continue with the jernigans products for now too . I dont know if its helping or not , but I am afraid to stop and see