if you heard me speak on my bad days
you would def. know something is wrong with me.
so utterly embarassing and heartbreaking for me
scary too
I went to the bank, to discuss something and it was so diifuclt to speak and explain
find the words
so then I talked to someone on phone re: storage
and it was the hardest conversation ever, feel like crazy, so hard to talk
and now the realtor is coming soon
my brain is so fried, I am just going to do my best
and then try to take a nap
I dont know how I am going to get through this
my body is breaking down so much
but I Have to do this part first, or I will be in toruble money wise, legally so i got to do this, I wont be able to take care of myself much longer, unless I get through this hell,
I pray my body can go through this move and all
god help me, .... and god help us all
these are trying times