I have a family member (wife of my cousin) who has huge problems (CFS/Fibro/ME), my aunt told me about
it in a desperate attempt to try to find help for her daughter in law.
She knows about my situation, I get along very well with her. So I sent her all of my test results, the dr's diagnosis, the whole lot (which is very personal, but I wanted to show her daughter in law the whole picture, in an attempt to really convince her to go and see my dr). But she was already hijacked by another dr who sees CFS/Fibro/ME only as a disease 'an sich', putting her on heavy pain meds and other band aid measures.
Now she's going down very fast, walking on crutches now. I'm planning to go and see my aunt very soon, I just can't watch it...
I've posted on this thread before, about people on other forums being very territorial about the diagnosis they finally got. I've been passing by that one forum a few days ago, just having a look, and guess what?
More and more people (that were very protective, even agressive about their ME-diagnosis) are posting things about Bartonella. There are still some die-hard members, but some of the other members tested positive on Bart, so there's no way around it anymore...
(just for the record: I'm not claiming that all CFS/ME/Firbo patients have tick borne diseases).