I've been away from the forum a while. No one here needs to be told how much energy this whole Lyme things absorbes and I've been involved with getting my daughter gluten free, being sure medication and herbs are refilled and dispensed, doing my best with the emotional ups and down (mostly downs to be frank) and so on. Since my daughter hasn't been getting much better with the Lyme tx we had an Igenix co-infections panel done and the babesia duncani came back the following result:
B duncani IgM 20
B duncani IgG <40
The interpretation says "IgM 20 or IgG 40 to 160
May or may not indicate activeinfection."
This is the first test my daughter has had for co-infections.
Any thoughts on how we ought to interpret this and whether we need to retest or do anything else before we start the treatment? The medications are nothing to take lightly and obviously we don't want to treat her unneccesarily. She's been receiving treatment for Lyme for the past three months with a combo of herbs, supplements and antibiotics. Frankly her LLMD, who seemed to be more comfortable with Lyme, seems somewhat uncertain about tx of babesia and I want to double check his thinking on proceeding with anti-malarials and so forth.
Any input would be appreciated.