I need a competent lyme-"literate" MD who will diagnose /treat in long island, ny (suffolk county). Had tick bites April & May 2013, with ongoing, progressive illness. Given amoxicillin 2 weeks for "lyme" without any bloodwork, became violently ill, bedridden, taken off of and then given antibiotic which they knew i was allergic to!!!! (doxycycline. did not take). 3 drs/ 4 visits, getting worse. All three drs claimed that the lyme testing was either "too expensive," "unnecessary" or that some one else should do it!? One office MENTIONED existence of "other tick diseaseS," but outright declined to provide ANY information regarding the names, symptoms or treatments of them..and *warned me* to NOT research such information in the internet. In 2013. Really. Vitamin d was low in prev. CBC bloodwork, "lymphocytes" HIGH, thyroid high & hypothyroid on synthroid, 'colitis' (i disagree), chronic fatigue, muscle/ joint pain, swelling, eye pain, highly sensitive to any noises/light, very sick, sometimes raging ill. Even my dog licking paw makes me insane. Phone ringing made me vomit. This disrespect in medical community towards tick disease is BIZARRE. Take the word "lyme" replace it with another illness (i.e. "diabetes", "cancer", "rabies"..whatever...)...and then tell your story...it makes the incompetence and/or oppression of the physicians look awfully obvious, foolish and something resembling the Salem Witch Hunt. Ok enough ranting for now ;-) i really appreciate any info/ assistance u can provide. Thank you! Affectionately, The Lymen8tor