Posted 7/18/2013 11:18 PM (GMT -5)
So, I was researching more about detoxing and I came across an article about milk thistle. Basically, the article explained that if you have any toxins that your body is trying to process out, taking milk thistle is counter productive. It stated that yes milk thistle is great for your liver and protects your liver, but it stops the liver from processing out the toxins. In other words it protects the liver cells so much that they do not do their job of toxin processing. Ie. milk thistle is great for the liver, but bad for the rest of your body. Has anyone else heard this? I've been taking milk thistle for ages (not continuously of course), even before I was sick (usually around the holidays - too much drinking and rich foods haha). Not sure what to think? The article talked about other ways to support the liver, like dandelion tea and a few other things that I can't remember now.