As Opugirl suggested, I think you should voice your opinions in a different thread about
being cured. I like what Dr. Jernigan wrote in his blog about
"The question of whether or not Lyme disease can be cured is a recurring question that is asked every doctor who is faced with a person suffering from the disease.
The term “Cure” is almost taboo in the healing arts profession. No doctor that I know of is willing to say they can cure any illness…especially not Lyme disease.
Before we just say an absolute “No” that Lyme disease is incurable lets see what the best medical dictionaries define the word “Cure” as meaning. After all, these medical dictionaries are the basis of what even the most agnostic doctors hold up as “truth.” I have been symptom-free and feeling great for over 7 years now. Am I cured? I don't think about
that word because it's only a word. I'm sure I have some spirochetes in my body but do they affect me in any way? No. Everyone has bacteria in their bodies, good and not good. It's when the bacteria starts destroying your body then one has a problem... Some people get bit by ticks that are infested with lyme and never show one symptom.. Do you know why that is? Or perhaps you just don't get it...