Posted 9/10/2013 8:58 PM (GMT -5)
Well I've been on the doctor merry-go-round, and still waiting to get in to see pulmonologist and allergist. Because of my breathing symptoms, I want to be certain that I don't have a mold allergy (I have been in some seriously mold-infested homes in my line of work) or a fungal infection of lungs, since it would be disastrous to throw antibiotics at molds. My Western Blot came back with positive IGM bands 39 and 41. IGG all negative. ELISA was negative a few weeks ago at 90. However, since the Western Blot results carried the following notation: " ...a positive IgM test alone is not recommended for use in determining active disease in persons with illness of longer than one month duration" (my symptoms began exactly 30 days prior to the day blood was drawn and tested), my PCP would not diagnose me. Symptoms include muscle aches/shooting pains; stiffness; painful knee joints; headaches; fatigue (now I understand what that means); swollen glands; pressure in chest; air hunger/difficulty breathing; heart palpitations and heart pounding; confusion; brain fog; blurred vision. I am barely functional.
What I am wondering is, are my symptoms more like a long-term or chronic illness, or could I have all these symptoms from the bites I received in May of this year?
I have been communicating with an LLNP, and will probably go see her once I have ruled out the other possible diagnoses.