sejwick said...
I bought the black light fixture and the uvc bulb. but I had an idea. I bought a 1mm thick quartz glass microscope slide. I cut a hole in the cardboard box that the blacklight fixture came in. I taped the microscope slide over the hole. then I put the fixture in the box with the uv bulb in it. I turn on the light, place the bottom of my tongue on the microscope slide. the quartz transfers uv light btw, but also protects your tongue. I leave my tongue there for 10 minutes. I try to keep it moist and move it a bit so it doesn't stick to the glass and burn. it still burns a tiny bit. it seems like im sweating out on the nights after using this. I can feel it working too when im using it. I feel stronger. im using kefir and CS for mrsa too, or id be sweating out every night.
Hi sejwick - welcome!
I’m not sure if you realize this is an older thread from 2015.
Do you have Lyme Disease?