Here's my take on this. I have Euthyroid Graves where my right upper eyelid retracts upward making my right eye look a little bigger than my left. I went to an endocrinologist to do thyroid testing and my autoimmune antibodies were normal but that doesn't mean they weren't at one time as it was years after my eye was affected. A CT scan of my eye also showed nothing.
Is it due to Lyme? My eye doc says no that it's the thyroid but euthyroid means normal so how can it be the thyroid causing my eye issue if it's normal? I believe it is Lyme and it's in the literature that Lyme can cause this though rare.
I was bit twice and my eye issue started in between the two bites so it's very possible Lyme caused this. It's known to cause autoimmune issues.
Btw, after two negative Lyme Western Blots I was VERY positive through IGenex. Also have Anaplasma, Mycoplasma P. and most probably Bart. I hope your test reveals what you want it to.