We are again entering the 'flu season.' This is the time of year when we are assaulted, both in our homes and in public, with hyped up propoganda shoving the 'benefits' of getting flu shots. But, what really goes on behind the scene with all this flu shot talk?
One aspect of the flu shot is listed on Dr. Mercola's website; this information is provided:
"On October 19, 2013, the Healthy Life reported that the flu vaccination Fluzone marketed this year to seniors in the US was said to have been responsible for the death of 23 seniors in the original trials. They wrote:“Package inserts for flu vaccines show a multitude of side effects, including death, and yet they are marketed the same as over-the-counter drugs with no prescription needed. Why?
Because in the United States vaccines enjoy complete immunity from lawsuits in the market place. If you are injured or die from a vaccine, you or your family cannot sue the manufacturer of the vaccine. This law enacted by Congress was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011.” [4] -
See more at: http://vactruth.com/2013/10/21/nyc-vaccine-mandate/?utm_source=The+Vaccine+Truth+Newsletter&utm_campaign=f8afdc2791-10_20_2013_nyc&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ce7860ee83-f8afdc2791-408244517#sthash.4PaSO9MM.dpuf"
This is just one aspect, not widely known to the public, of what's wrong with the flu vaccine, and every other vaccine that is pushed on us as something that is going to help us. When I heard Dr. Oz state that he and his family do not get flu/vaccine shots, I knew then how bad these things are for people.
Research a little, dig a little, ask questions. And, as always, listen to your gut.
If the manufacturers are immune from every complaint and lawsuit, even upon death of a person due to the flu shot, then we really need to start looking more closely at what is going on that they have this protection, and then also why they are pushing these on us, and also what is in these shots that they are pushing. There are many people getting really, really ill from these shots, and yet there is NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO about IT. People are even DYING, and again, there is NOTHING ANYONE CAN LEGALLY DO about IT.
Something to think about.