Sorry to post another question so soon ... I was going to add it to my other post, but the topic is kind of different, so I thought another post may keep it less muddled...
I know I've read that lyme *can* show on an MRI, but would it *usually* show up? I guess what I am asking is whether a clear MRI would be a sign that lyme wasn't advanced?
Also a quick question on terminology ... the written report stated that no "definite" abnormalities were seen in grey/white matter. I asked a friend who had an mri before, and she asked her dh who is in the medical profession, and they said it sounded as though it was just the dr saying they didn't find what they were looking for. My mind went to thinking.... does 'definite' being in there mean they saw something that MAY have been an issue? I know I am over-thinking probably, but when I saw that for the menning(?) part they said NO abnormalities were found. The difference in terminology stuck out like a beacon on that for me. On one they say no abnormalities, the other no 'definite' abnormalities