Hi Nick!
Welcome to our community!! I'm so glad that you found us!
It's likely that the amount of abx that you are allowed to use in Canada wont' be enough to kill off much of the bacteria, so you will need to use herbs to actually heal.
I do have a few names of doctors in Canada that treat Holistically, so they don't fall under the same guidelines as regular MD's. Just email me and include your name and where a larger city near where you are located and I'll be happy to share any names and contact info of the docs that are close to you.
I would also like to echo what Garden Peace said about
reading the "New to Lyme? Start here!" thread. It's packed full of important information and it would help us all if you would read through it. Most refer back to it from time to time as they go through treatments.
There are several herbal protocols that are being followed here. Buhner's in the most common:
buhnerhealinglyme.com/There's Cowden's protocol:
www.nutramedix.ec/ns/lyme-protocol Some have used Byron White products:
byronwhiteformulas.com/ although I do believe they need to be prescribed by a Practitioner.