Posted 1/24/2014 10:22 PM (GMT -5)
Hi Adey, LF 1953 and Protomyxoa (Rheumatica) are names of a protozoan that Steve Fry from Fry Labs discovered in the blood. There is very little information out there on the aforementioned infection, including how to treat it.
From what I know (I could be wrong) and have read, Fry labs includes a photo of the blood with the results. There have been instances where the test is negative but the photo image will show protozoan activity in it.
I asked my LLMD about this and he stated that he is skeptical on the validity of the "new discovery", but because very little information has been shared with the public or medical community, he is also waiting to see what else is published by Fry labs.
As far as treatment, Dr. Fry once said that he was treating patients with tetracycline and that it seemed to work. Some of his patients have recently reported that he is now using Mepron to treat it. This makes sense because Babesia is a protozoan and Mepron is effective against it.