LOL Opugirl! No, not too much information! We should start a Poop and You Part 2 or Number 2 Thread!
I felt a huge difference from taking detox baths BUT, yep, BUT, I didn't feel the results right away. Detox baths (please dry skin brush first) and foot boths work only in a cumulative fashion, meaning the more one does these baths the better they will feel. Some people feel worse after taking the initial baths which is quite normal but if they don't give up and keep taking them, the feeling is reversed, you feel good!!
Even though I am totally well, I still take detox baths for general reasons. They help my older bones (especially after shoveling snow!), my skin feels silky soft afterward (no moisturizer), etc. What strikes me funny is when I was a kid I played hard, (yeah, I was a real tomboy) and would sprain my legs, my ankle, wrists, etc. My Mom would give me a bath and put Epsom Salts in the bath and I had no idea why. I guess she knew something I didn't... That the salts would ease my sprains.
It's up to you. If you start off taking 3 or 4 baths a week and build up to taking them every day then you should feel a difference. And for those without a tub, those foot baths work great too!
Just my thoughts,