Greetings everyone! My name is a Doll and I have had chronic Lyme disease for almost 3 years now. I saw the bullseye but had no awareness of Lyme disease or what that mark meant. It was very small, maybe 1/4 the size of a dime and went away within 3 weeks or so. Shortly after that I began sleeping excessively and was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. 3 months later I felt as if I had been lit on fire. My entire body ached to the touch which sent me back to the doctor only to be told I now had fybromyalgia. Over the next 4 months my joints became incredibly inflamed and very painful. I was unable to
open juice bottles, untwist the cap off of the toothpaste, etc. it seemed everything I reached for I knocked over as I had such limited use of my fingers with my joints being in so much pain. It affected other areas as well such as my knees, ankles and shoulders but none were as nearly bad as my hands. This time I was referred to a rheumatologist.
It was through the blood work panel I had through the rheumatologist that I was made aware that although I suffered the symptoms of the misdiagnoses, I had chronic Lyme disease and two co-infections. The Lyme had almost a year to burrow deep down into my joints and make itself at home.
Curiously I did not have a problem finding an LLMD but through my research I learned that this is not usually the case. I am unsure why there is such mystery surrounding Lyme disease and why we as people are not better educated. For this reason I created a blog recounting my experiences. Two days ago I was elected a Social Ambassador with the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. I am even more steadfast in my mission.
We also invite you to join as a member to receive information critical to your care.
I've done my research and have a great deal of helpful information on my blog. I am new to this forum and haven't read all of the rules and regulations. Until I do, I will not provide the link until I am certain that it doesn't violate any rules.
I have been feeling okay for almost 9 months now but have been having the symptoms that occur before a bout with Lyme disease at which time I go on a brutal schedule of antibiotic therapy. The last 3-5 weeks I am on 3 abx at once and have lost up to 20lbs each time. I don't look forward to it but am aware that if not kept in check, the Lyme can reach your central nervous system and above all else I am trying my best to avoid this.
I am 43 years old, married and have a 3 yr old stepdaughter that brings joy on my darkest days. I thank you all in advance for allowing me the time to reach out to you and hope to become an integral part of this forum.
When I am on my abx therapy I am in excruciating pain, unable to complete the simplest tasks, sleep excessively and become extremely antisocial & reclusive. However, I will always make my best effort to respond to any questions or comments asked of or directed at me. Good night all.
Post Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 2/22/2014 11:31:12 AM (GMT-7)