Well, at one time it was what was suspected in my relapsing illness - of course years later it was found out that it was Lyme and company instead, although I'm sure that EBV didn't help.
My most prominent symptoms were extremely high titers- one doc told me I'd never be able to work again.....and he was right.
- enlarged lymph nodes - I can even feel them in my lower abdomen at times.
-cold sores - although this is usually caused by HHV 1 or 2 (with EBV being HHV4), I still have a break out so I assume that when one flares, so do the others.
-maybe fever, but lower grade fevers used to always come and go with me, so unless it was a high fever I didn't make note of it.
From what I know, there's no known way of completely eradicating it from the body. We can only "treat symptoms" according to most sites, but my Practitioner had me use L-lysine and it knocked it back much quicker.
I have read studies where up to 6,000 mgs a day were used, but that high of a dose makes me a bit nervous! LOL! At least until I can dig up more info about
using such high doses. I found in several places that 3,000 mgs a day was tolerated well though.
Georgia Hunter - I do agree with you. I should be taking it an hour before, but I rarely remember to do this, so it's usually only 30 minutes. Although I do have to say that it has made a difference still!! LOL!