I'm sorry.
Have you talked to other people who do the picc iv? Maybe it would help.
So . . . anyone out there on a picc line? Maine needs some encouragement.
A friend of mine does Rocephin injections. Is it possible you could start with injections?
Make sure you have some Burbur on hand. I just bought a bag of lemons :)
I know it's hard. I'm herxing today bc I did something last night called hyperthermia, and I overdid. My LLMD is trying to come up with all kinds of non-antibiotic suggestions, bc of the c. diff.
At least you can do abx!! Think of it as a privilege.
Some people get way better on iv abx. The writer Amy Tan did a lot better. Just imagine if you all of a sudden had more energy!
I got a little taste of feeling better while I was titrating up on Cowden.
IV abx have the highest success rate of any treatment for Lyme.
Talk to your LLMD!!!
Go girl!