The 'Lyme Research Alliance" is having a Gala where Kim Lewis, Ph.D. and Ying Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. will receive
"awards for their ongoing work researching "persister"
organisms and recurrent disease at LRA's "Time for Lyme"
Gala on April 5, 2014 in Old Greenwich, CT. Proceeds from
the event will be used to fund important research at
universities and major medical institutions throughout the U.S."
This is quite interesting as 'both scientists are deeply involved in researching "persisters," cells that manage to survive antibiotic
assault. Unlike some cells that are literally resistant and
can live and replicate normally in the presence of a drug,
mysterious persister cells neither die nor grow in the
presence of an antibiotic. Rather, they exist in a dormant
state that allows them to survive antibiotic treatment, only
to awaken later and start a new wave of infection." research is ongoing, and it sounds like they are making some progress!!