hello... My Dad who is 93 years old contacted Lyme's disease about 30 years ago. He is/was a paint contractor by trade. He was working at this very nice home on the sound. He took a "brief" break and walked to the dock... through a wooded area and got a tick. He describes what happened to him as breaking out from his waist down, "red and piated (not sure how to spell it). He never went to the doctor. I think he took a bath in cloxax. Years later he started experiencing issues. he went to a number of doctors. Can't remember all what he was told besides nerve damage. He had back problems, knee problems. Had knee surgery, two back operations (both he claims did not help him at all), he has joint pain, arthritis. At one time he was diagonised with Lyme. at that time he was told nothing could be done about it becuase it was not caught in its early stages. He has never been able to get anyone to help him with what the Lyme disease left behind. He has just learned to live with it. The last year or more he has had an unbearable itch. Lately the itch is in his hands and upper arms. It is so bad he can not sleep at night. we took him to the doctor that said he had lymes years ago. The doctor said his records were purged so that had no proof he had lyme. They did a new blood test and sent it to Stony Brook University. It came back that he does not have lyme. readings qual result: Non Reac, Patient OC: 0.066, Borderline cutoff: 0.108, reactive cutoff: 0.139. with a negative report they say there is nothing to treat him for. My dad is not imagining what is happening to him. He feels he has a "living organism" in his body. We realize he is 93 but just hate that beacuse he is 93 no one wants to help him. He thinks the disease is moving up and will eventually could cause brain damage. Could he be right? also could he have had tlyme with no traces now? what if anything can he do to handle the results of having had the disease. My Dad is not someone that would make any of this up. He is very sharp mentally. he reads all the time, works crossword puzzles, does crafts and keeps as active as his body will allow. He is a bit over weight. He also had a pacemaker put in little over a year ago. Does anyone have any advise. he just needs someone to confirm what is going on with him and someone that can help him understand what is happening to his body and let him know if there is anything he can do to help himself ince no one will listen to him or belief him. The last docotr want to give him "mind drugs"... the docotor even used those terms. My Dad said he knows if he could get some help he could celebrate at least 10 more birthdays!