Hello folks :)
I was on Doxy, Azithromax, and Mepron for about
4 months. I had intractable headaches every day for nearly 2 months and went to the ER several times due to the pain. I could barely eat and often I was unable to take the medication due to vomiting. I was convinced that I would have to quit work (not a realistic option for me financially, emotionally, etc.) and I began withdrawing from all my friends and family.
After a long talk, my current LLD referred me to an Infectious Disease Specialist for more extensive treatment . . . unfortunately they could not get me in for 2 months. I ran out of antibiotics after a few weeks while waiting for the appointment and I feel SO MUCH BETTER after being off them!!!!! My headaches/migraines, pain and swelling, neurologic issues, dizziness, weight loss, etc. have all be very manageable lately! I am able to go out for a drink with friends on weekends, and I am enjoying my job again! I even took a class on weaving (I know that makes me like a 28-year-old grandma, right? lol
) and I loved it! I feel like, although I still have problems, at least I know what is causing it now, and I can function like a normal person on most days.
Of course, the big appointment is this Tuesday and I don't know what to do. I am scared of returning to that place where I cannot control my symptoms. I will certainly consult with the doctor about
my fears, but I also wanted your advice too, and since y'all live with the condition, your opinions tend to carry a bit more weight for me. :) Any thoughts you have would be appreciated. Thanks so much and be well!