Multiple daily waves of skin flushing and sweating (hot flashes/night sweats at times back to back),
Cardiac arrhythmias,
Skin pricking and burning or searing skin pains,
Painful muscle spasms,
Generalized itching,
Severe extreme sensitivity to sound and bright lights and activities,
Blurred vision,
Periods of severe, unfounded Paranoia (years I couldn’t go outside, better now)
Insomnia, (3 years of little to no sleep, average interrupted 3 hr night, not so bad presently. Dr at that time said this was ONLY sleep apnea. Wanted me to go on a study. Said I was also depressed and it was all from menopause.)
Hypersensitivity to touch (I call this the Princess and the Pea syndrome)
Subnormal oral temperatures usually ranging from 95.7 to 97.0º F
Profound sense of coldness,
Aphonia (loss of the power of speech),
Bradypnea (A respiratory rate that is too slow.)
Multiple sclerosis-like neurological symptoms (dropping things),
Losses of visual acuity (the ability to see or think very clearly and quickly)
Uncharacteristic and inappropriate outbursts of extreme irritability,
Altered gait,
Loss of direction sense,
Episodic daytime sleep urgency,
Pronounced executive memory loss and variable loss of recent memory.
Pain/tingling in back of head, neck area (constant),
Severe pain lower left back area above hip (constant),
Joint pain in some fingers both hands,
Lump on left wrist,
Severe pain when walking in feet and ankles
Numbness in arms (mainly right) and hand,
Toes go numb, and feel like threads or hair wrapped around toes,
Tingling and vibrations in all parts of body
And more.
And get this, today I went to get the blood work done. Two tests, hormones and thyroid, stated fasting for 10-12 hrs. I went in, especially to get the Lyme test done, mentioning I fasted too long as I screwed up the timing, which I have problems with organizing time/structure. I fasted for 14 hrs. The person drawing my blood said, "That's fine. It's not a problem if it's over 12 hrs fasting. The tests will be ok." I wanted to wait on those, so I could get it right. They wouldn't let me.
I phoned dr's office to let them know, and the receptionist said that's not ok, that I'll need to retest those, but the dr is on vacation until next week. So, here we go again. Hurry up and wait.
Post Edited (In_A_Cocoon_Now) : 4/30/2014 7:43:01 AM (GMT-6)