I have a long history of bad health since the age of 15. I am now 40. I have had over 10 primary doctors, seen hundreds of specialists. Each doctor after a year or two say, take these happy pills. Well I did. Did not work. Then went onto the next doctor and so on. I am now 40. I have been searching for answer myself for the past year. I have finally come across Lyme disease. I have the following issues:
* Unable to focus
* Loss for words often
* Dizzy 24/7
* Eye Floaters
* Sharp Chest Pain
* Stiff Neck
* Tired 24/7
* Joint Pains
* Twitching on different parts of body
I might have more, but have lost concentration already. I found a new doctor this past Monday. Instead of telling him to fix me, I told him to " TEST ME FOR LYME" . He asked if I had been bitten by a tick. I personally do not recall. I do recall getting bit when I was in Boy Scouts around the age of 12. I lived across the street from a forest and lived in their as a kid. No Rash . Don't recall the flu. He agreed to test me and put me on Doxycycline for the time being. It is only 100mg, but its a start until I get my results.
As sick as this may sound, I hope and pray the results come back positive. I will then have an answer. I know that since I have been un-diagnosed for so long, my outcome may not look good if I come back positve. I should have my results back in a week.
I guess the reason to why I am posting is the following:
1 - Is it possible to live with Lyme for 25 years?
2 - From my symptoms, what is the possibility that I have Lyme?
3 - If you had Lyme for over 5-10 years personally, did you fully recover?
Any replies would be great. Thanks again for hearing my story