Massive anxiety flare up like I have never experienced. I guess that means I do have bartonella.
I started the rifampin yesterday- only one dose so far. I am supposed to take my second dose now.
I had been feeling SO much better mentally- things in my head are starting to clear and my anxiety was going way down.
I had read that rifampin can cause bartonella massive herxes and I know anxiety is a bartonella symptom.
So just an hour ago, and still now, I got such a crazy massive full body and brain anxiety attack- long term- I thankfully have a few valium so just took one and it is helping but I still feel it for sure.
I was in a store with my kid ordering a sandwhich and I had to leave before I picked it up. It is so scary.
I put a call into my doctors office to ask them what to do. Do I just have to get through this to get rid of the bartonella? Can I have him prescribe me valium so I just take it every day that I am herxing on this?
I feel that I should be in a spa somewhere just being cared for whileI am going through this but instead I have take care of my kid, drop him off and pick him up from school, deal with people, live my life.
I understand that this is a temporary thing that will in the long run hopefully clear me of this thing that is happening. So onthat level I have ot do it. But it got me So scared this is an awful feeling.
Would the alka seltzer gold help with this kind of herxing?
ANy other advice? Can I take valium while I am treatin gthis?
How long does this rifampin herx usually last? I knew I was scared to start this-- this is why. But also I guess the truth is that me having this reaction shows I do have bartonella and so need to do it.
Advice? SHoould I take another rifampin? I am so scared if just one single dose can do this to me, how bad will it get with more?