Thanks for the nice thoughts, and for goodness sake RTF, don't wear heels.
I don't know exactly what happened. One second, I was on my way to the bathroom, and the next second I was on the floor, having fallen hard.
Maine, I'm sorry you've had falls as well, and Opu, there were times when I was walking the dogs, and my legs felt really odd, as if I also had to say, AHEM legs, move forwards please.
Honestly, I'm in a super amount of pain today. I had some oxycodone left from surgeries, and I took one this morning, and it didn't seem to touch it. It made me sleepy, but I couldn't sleep, bc of the pain.
My foot is swollen, hot and red, but the only thing that really hurts is the toe (and maybe the toe next to it, not sure). I wonder if I broke my toe in two places, bc I can't figure out why it hurts so much. Now, I'm going to have to root through all my cabinets, and see if I can find some more pain killers.
I know nothing can be done about
a broken toe, but since it hurts so much, I'll make an appt. with the doctor tomorrow.
btw, thanks MamaV.
All I can say is OUCH
I was going to tell you folks a funny story about
the last time I fell, but I'm too tired.