Posted 6/26/2014 10:02 PM (GMT -5)
my son hasn't been getting headaches, but what you guys are saying about maybe it could be yeast, makes me think of my little guy's situation.
When we went to his last appt with the llmd (June 9th) I told her he was down to only about 9 complaints of joint pain in a month (a HUGE improvement) and tummy aches, that's it.
And, I told her the tummy aches seemed different, not the early AM, before-any-food-tummy aches he used to get in the winter, but LOTS of tummy aches now, almost always after eating, most meals!, and sore throats after eating.
She said she suspected yeast ; and then the small, hardly noticeable, white bumps on his fingers and toes that he had looked fungal she said, and made her almost convinced he was having yeast overgrowth.
so, she prescribed fluconazole.
also he's off his abx now, while on the fluconazole for 4 weeks (didn't have to be, but it's what I was comfortable with and she said that's fine)
well, long story shot (too late?) he's doing even better now, off the abx and on fluconazole.
unfortunately in the past 17 days he still has had about 5 complaint of joint pain (knee or ankle), so I know we're not done treating this thing yet, but the tummy aches? basically gone! and, knock on wood, no sore throats either.
I think we had traded some lyme symptoms for yeast symptoms (candida?) and I feel good we're working on that.
Anyway, not exactly the same situation, but it made me think about my son when you brought up yeast.
and, like Chapelle said, maybe a side effect of the abx. My son't tummy troubles might not just be yeast, but also not tolerating the antibiotics well anymore and having side effects from them.
whatever the reason for you, I hope it can be resolved soon!