Posted 7/8/2014 8:53 PM (GMT -5)
Girlie - You're right there is a lot more to the removal than just drilling them out. My dentist is a mercury free Holistic/Biological Dentist. The dam would have been used if he was drilling the fillings out and replacing them. I've had to stop several vitamins do to possible bleeding and can't start them back up for a time afterwards. Also, I had to increase the glutathione med today, tomorrow, and Wednesday. I will also be doing a urine test the following morning to measure the metal toxins. I already have a very large amalgram tattoo on the outside of the upper gum and the inside has started too. Like I said I have a lot of mercury. I've had a lot of trauma in my mouth when I was younger and that has cause most of the issues in my mouth. Now with Lyme it has become a real problem for me. By removing the teeth there is less issues of the mercury getting into my system. I'm very lucky to have found this dentist. I'm just hoping by getting all this crap outta my mouth I start feeling better.