I know that we have been talking by email, Girlie, but if I didn't say something on this thread, I think others would wonder!! LOL! So to clarify and to help explain what I have learned through my research to others as well:
If you were to thoroughly research herx (Jarrisch-Herxheimer reaction), you would find that it's a healing crisis, and it means that your body is being overwhelmed with toxins that it simply can't detox fast enough. Only you can know for sure when you've had enough, but if your symptoms become severe, it's wise to reduce the amount of toxins either by detoxing more - or if you are doing all that you can - then reducing the amount you are creating by backing off of treatments until the body has a chance to catch up on the detoxing.
If you push your body to go too far into a herx, it could lead to a cytokine storm, which although is not all that common, does happen and can be quite dangerous.
medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Cytokine+Stormlymemd.blogspot.com/2009/05/wellness-illness-and-lyme.html This is why I always caution those herxing to not push through it too hard. The symptoms are there to warn us that all is not well!