Posted 9/5/2014 3:43 PM (GMT -5)
Stephen Buhner writes that its OK to mix ABX and herbals. Just go slow and introduce one at a time in case of any reactions. Start with Doxy for three or four days and if OK then add Samento. Start at one drop then next day add another drop or two. After another week start with one drop of Banderol per day and increase.
Cowden recommends Samento dose to work up to 30 drops twice a day morning and dinner time. Banderal dose is also work up to 30 drops twice a day, but at noon and bedtime. Don't take Samento and Banderol together at the same time, but some say you can take them within 20 minutes apart.
I'm currently on Mino, Plaq, Valtrex, Cat's Claw, Banderol, and Colloidal Silver, along with a host of the usual vits and supps.