Posted 9/20/2014 2:58 PM (GMT -5)
Hi RayKay,
Welcome to our community!!
As Girlie suggested, I would encourage you to read through our "New to Lyme? Start here!" thread that sits at the top of the forum. It's packed with important information.
I too would be interested in knowing what abx (antibiotic) you are taking and what dose you are on. We like to verify that you are on a abx that is right for these infections and on a dose that will actually help you heal. Many doctors don't prescribe enough and leave patients with chronic infections.
Also, if you are just seeing your primary care doc, unless he has had specific training, he may not know enough about how much treatment you need or what to do if your case become more complicated. If the doctor that you are seeing hasn't been through ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society) training, then it's very likely he/she is not qualified to see you through until you are truly healed. We can likely help you find a LLMD (Lyme Literate Medical Doctor) or LLND (Lyme Literate Naturopathic Doctor) as close to you as possible.
So you have been on abx for about 10 days - that's about the right time for you to be herxing - also known as the Jarrisch-Herxheimer reaction or healing crisis. This happens (as Girlie described) because as the bacteria dies off, they leave behind toxins. The more bacteria that dies, the more toxins we have in our bodies. Most of the time those who have these infections have trouble keeping up with those toxins without doing specific things to help their bodies detox. In the "New to Lyme?" thread, you will find many good detoxing suggestions that we recommend here.
Also as Girlie said, keep reading and asking those questions!!!