No doubt about
it, you have had the bulls eye rash. That is the skin form of Lyme, so you have Lyme - no matter what the blood tests show.
Lyme and Bartonella both are inhibitory to the immune system, meaning that the immune system won't respond like it should to the bacteria, so how can these tests come out accurate?
Take a look at the CDC's own page on Lyme disease, and get your doctor to look it up as well:" Lyme disease is diagnosed based on symptoms, physical findings (e.g., rash), and the possibility of exposure to infected ticks; laboratory testing is helpful if used correctly and performed with validated methods."
If the MELISA comes back negative, which it likely will, it only shows what many already know - your body isn't producing the antibodies it should be to fight this infection.
If your doc wont' treat you for Lyme, you need to find another one that will. Things won't improve until you get the proper treatments. Please find a doctor that knows more about
these infections. We can help if you need.