Hi Rachel1200, yep, in reading your post it def sounds like since you been treating lyme with doxy, Rocephin, & Ceftin....that your babesia is coming out more (or "rearing its ugly head" as they say). When you start treating one, another one starts to become more dominant.
Im right along with ya. My doc prefers to treat lyme first and with another co-infection sometimes (which I opted for Bart being treated along with the lyme first), then we will go after babesia, then most likely go back to lyme.
I have a positive for babesia btw so I know I have this one (despite the unreliable testing that occurs).
Granted, my sweats do not sound as intense as yours I will say but they really didnt even get too bad UNTIL I started the Doxy, like yourself! I was kinda early in on my Rocephin and havent tried Ceftin.
I have never been a sweating type person AT ALL until this mess. I hate it but its not one of the symptoms that scare me or anything at least Im thankful for. However when I go out of the house, I dont like sweating my shirts out so I use these:
www.ebay.com/itm/30pcs-Underarm-Armpit-Dress-Clothing-Sweat-Pads-Deodorant-Absorbing-/231167763567?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35d2ac246f(I just picked a quick, cheap $ link for ya)
I HATE being a female and showing a 'pit sweat' and I also dont like ruining my designer shirts darn it (but not like I have so many places to go these days or anything)! I didnt even know the armpit pad thingys existed but thankful I had found them when I did a lil while ago!
All in all, I just wanted to let you know your not alone and wanted to recommend the pads for when you leave the house and mentioned being embarrassed at work. I think we will both be okay once we get treated for the babs but in the mean time I would rather the sweat stuff out then keep it in as far as toxins go. If you are concerned that you are losing vitamins, I would suggest supplementing more to make up for.
Best of health to you!