Hey Sayya,
You've had a really tough time lately, haven't you?
I've had a tough time as well, but just physically.
You need to be really clear about
your boundaries. Now, having said that, it's not one of my strengths exactly either!
So what's the deal with you and your sister living together? Do you own or rent? Who's the owner, you or your sister? Or do you own together?
It's tough having animals and pets when you're sick. It can be very tough. Horses take a lot of work. I know you're going to keep your pony, but is there a reason you have to keep your horses?
Ok, I would never give up my dogs, bc they help to keep me going, but horses . . . Geez. Horses are a lot, a lot of work.
And vets are expensive!!
Hope things get better. I basically broke up with my sister, but I don't know if you can do that!