Posted Today 9:28 AM (GMT -5)
I'm wondering if I might have babesia and that's why none of my Lyme abx treatments have worked.
I did test positive for Lyme and mycoplasma via Infectolab. But I tested negative for babesia and Bart through labcorp.
It seems like a lot of people do have babesia. I'm wondering how common it is. I wish my LLMD would let me try mepron and Zithromax for 3-4 months to see if it helps.
My symptoms are...
Extreme anxiety and panic
Severe weakness
Cognitive dysfunction/brain fog
Hair loss
Lately I have felt some heat surges, although not drenching sweats. And I do have some mild episodes of feeling like I need more oxygen, especially when I lay down in the evening while watching tv on the sofa. I'll feel like I need to sit up and catch my breath.
I'm just curious how many of you either have tested positive for babs or you feel you may have it based on symptoms?